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Why Dads Matter
CreativeParents says GO DADS!

Fathers' roles have changed enormously over the last 20 years, and some of the changes have not been ones that men have rallied for. We've never heard of men carrying placards demanding the right to change diapers or do more housework. Yet many men are glad to be more involved in parenting than their dads were, and are doing a great job!

So on this Father’s Day we’ll say GO DADS! Keep reading to your kids, helping them with homework, and getting up in the middle of the night to comfort the baby. Even though you never demanded to be doing an equal share of cooking and cleaning, your efforts make a difference.

You’re a role model to your kids, both the boys and girls. You show them that men can be nurturing and fair. You share with your children skills and perspectives that are all yours, and different from Moms.

Happy Father's Day


copyright 2006 Dr. Istar Schwager. All rights reserved

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